High Collar Shirts
The big distinctive collar, a very few can put up. Its a style icon, for any occasion.
The high collar shirts, stiff and high as it can be, with the choice of buttons to make it long. It requires great expertise to craft and cut them, fix it on the hand made, a perfectly fitted shirt to give the “Just Perfect” look you desire.
Our experts just do the job so seamlessly, you would be more than pleased.
It is a standard process that follows taking the measurements online, choosing the fabric and style, choosing the height of the collar. The details are forwarded to our tailors who then do their part of job of cutting the shirt and collar as per the measurements and double-check them and turn the paper figures into a finely stitched shirt.
These then do for quality check and after approval sent out for delivery!
Note: We provide FREE Shipping worldwide!
You can shop the high collar shirts from https://www.johnclothier.com/product-category/high-collar-shirts/
Shop more from our parent site http://www.whitepilotshirts.com